The late winter shop update is coming late February/early March. Date will be announced soon!


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In honor of Black History Month- I would like to celebrate a few of my favorite artists, authors, businesses, educators, and people who inspire me. It is important to decolonize our bookshelf, Spotify, educators, instagram feed, businesses you buy from, inspiration-sources, places we donate to (and donate in the first place if you can), and the like. 

simone leighschentell nunnaliya wanek

erica chidi cohenashe ceramicstactile matter

(Simone Leigh, Schentell Nunn, Aliya Wanek, Erica Chidi Cohen, Ashe Ceramics, Tactile Matter)

-Artist Simone Leigh
-Activist/ writer Aja Barber (I am a patron of hers and I couldn’t recommend it more if you care about the dismantling of fast fashion)
-Maker of gorgeous bags (including the sought-after Half Moon Waist/Crossbody Bag), Tree Fairfax
-The work of writer/author Roxane Gay and book Bad Feminist
-Alyson of Alyson Simply Grows
-Queer sex educator, racial/social/gender justice disrupter Ericka Hart (I have learned SO much from them)
Golde Supplements
Krystal Mack and her work as an interdisciplinary artist
-the work Leah Penniman and Soul Fire Farm in NY
-Designer Aliya Wanek
-botanically dyed yarn by Ocean by the Sea
-sustainable fashion consultant/founder of MelaninDominique Drakeford
-NYC based florist/horticulturist/farmer Amber Tamm
Everything and anything by Solange.
Ecological and Social Healing: Multicultural Women’s Voices edited by Jeanine Canty
-Ceramic Artist Jaz of Ashe Ceramics
Baltimore by Nina Simone
Sustainable Brooklyn – “bridging gaps between the sustainability moment & targeted communities”
Terra-Tory natural skincare
Yowie is a shop in Philadelphia with a lovely curation of home goods, ceramics, art, publications, clothing, and more.
-Seattle Area Model Katie Neuner (shown in header photo), and co-owner of the handmade scrunch company Buncha Scrunch
-Healer, artist, doula Erykah Badu- forever a huge inspiration.
-The work of Lauren Ash and the space she founded Black Girl In Om (currently in hibernation)
On Beauty by Zadie Smith
Esperanza Spalding (her newest two albums…incredible.)
Supr.Mrkt in LA founded by Olympia Auset
-Poet Nayyirah Waheed
-Ceramic Artist Yaya Situation
I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings by Maya Angelou
-chef/writer/welfare advocate Sophia Roe
Woman of Color by LaTonya Yvette
Room 25 by Noname

Zou Xou shoes
-LA based florist Schentell Nunn of Offerings
-Artist Kenesha Sneed of Tactile Matter
-Doula and educator Erica Chidi Cohen (author of “Nurture“- “a modern guide to pregnancy, birth, and early motherhood” and co-founder of Loom– a space in LA for “empowered education from periods to parenting”)
-all of the educators, activists, etc. listed below!
…to name just a few.

 zou xoutree fairfaxocean by the sea

goldewoman of color by latonya yvettedominique drake ford

(Zou Xou, Tree Fairfax, Ocean by the Sea yarn, Golde, Woman of Color, Dominique Drakeford.)

In addition, I am sharing a few resources for my fellow white people to do the work in educating yourself about white supremacy/anti-racism and your role within it. Please read! Please get involved! I put an asterisk next to the ones that feel most crucial to me.
*- The work of Rachel Ricketts and her Spiritual Activism online courses! Her website also has tons of great links and information- both for white people and healing resources for WOC. Spend some time on there!
The Way of Tenderness by Zen Earthly Manuel
*-Me and White Supremacy Workbook by Layla F. Saad– now in physical form! Layla’s website also has lots of great resources including workshops and a podcast!
-The work of R
achel Cargle– who specifically aims to address the blindspots of white feminism. Watch her most popular lecture on this topic here
-“White Fragility and the Rules of Engagement” an article by Robin DiAngelo

Hood Feminism: Notes from the Women White Feminists Forgot by Mikki Kendall
The Conscious Kid on instagram
*-“I need to talk to spiritual white women about white supremacy (Part One)” by Layla F. Saad 
Between the World and M
e by Ta-Nehisi Coates 
*-White Fragility by Robin DiAngelo
So You Want to Talk About Race by Ijeoma Oluo

…and there are SO many more out there for you to find and educate yourself with.

amber tammzenju earthlyn mauelsophia roe

hood feminism by mikki kendallterra tory skincarefarming while black by leah penniman

Amber Tamm, Zenju Earthlyn Manuel, Sophia Roe, Mikki Kendall, Terra-Tory, Soul Fire Farm

(all images found via google, instagram, their personal website.)


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