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Wheel to Table

Come winter, I seem to always have a difficult time getting in all of the vegetables that I know make me feel 100%. While I am very relaxed about my diet (while paying close/mindful attention to sourcing, because I have the privilege to do so) and prefer it to be balanced, I do like to eat a lot of dark leafy greens each day and know I feel best when I am doing so. One way that really helps me to get my daily dose is via soups and (room temp-ish) smoothies. Below are a few of my most often go-tos. And I hope you find some that taste good to you! A great simple back pocket soup recipe goes a longgg ways- whether on nights you have no idea what to make and can forage in the fridge to throw one together, or as a crowd pleasing side on a warm night. I’ll often make them and put them in a tumbler or mug to sip on alongside my supper or throughout the next day/s. Can be served with a slab of toast and butter or sweet potato fries or lasagna or whatever you’re having for supper! Same with the smoothies. They make a great snack or meal side. Enjoy!



makes about 16-20oz (you can add all the ingredients in the blender and then top with milk. keep adding until you meet your desired consistency)
-nut milk of choice (I like unsweetened hemp)
-dollop of probiotic yogurt 
-a big knob of fresh grated ginger
-a scoop of tahini or nut butter
-a heaping tbsp of coconut butter or oil
-1/2 c boiled sweet potato (skin on, room temp or from the fridge) 
-1 carrot (skin on, raw)
-3ish leaves of kale or chard (whatever I have, stems and all) 
-a few frozen berries or chunks of fruit (usually strawberries or plums that I picked and froze from last summer. I also love blueberries or peaches. these are all pretty low on the glycemic index and can be grown locally- hence why I like to use them instead of a sweeter/tropical fruit like banana or mango or pineapple) 
-sometimes: protein powder, maple syrup or honey, flax or chia seeds, maca powder, ashwaghanda, a few dates, cacao butter, etc. I often throw in whatever else I have laying around- like apples or oranges. Zucchini is also great in them (boil first, then freeze or leave room temp).


-broth of choice (I like either bone broth or Better Than Bouillon vegetable or a mix of the two)
-one leek (white to light green parts only) 
-2 cloves of garlic
-one medium head of broccoli (use the stem too, unpeeled)
-3 leaves of kale
-2 potatoes of choice (skin on, for soups I like to use waxy ones)
-salt and pepper
-tbsp EVOO/coconut oil/ghee
-optional: add some heavy cream before putting into the blender to make extra luscious


-broth of choice (I like either bone broth or Better Than Bouillon vegetable or a mix of the two)
-1 smallish butternut squash
-1tbsp grated ginger
-1 medium onion
-2 cloves garlic
-salt and pepper
-tbsp EVOO/coconut oil/ghee
-optional: heavy cream for extra lusciousness or turmeric


-broth of choice (I like either bone broth or Better Than Bouillon vegetable or a mix of the two)
-2-4 beets (SKIN ON)
-one small onion
-2 cloves of garlic
-3 leaves of kale
-1 sweet potato (SKIN ON)
-salt and pepper
-tbsp EVOO/coconut oil/ghee


chop up everything into large chunks (SKIN ON), place into a pot, cover barely with broth. Bring to a boil and then simmer until everything is soft and tender. Add to a blender with the oil. Whizz until extra creamy and blended. Taste and adjust to desired consistency and flavor. I like my soups to be the consistency of a bisque. Sometimes if it is too liquid-y I will boil up some more root vegetables and add to thicken. These recipes are meant to be altered and played with! Add more or less of what you want. Feel it out! Serve with a drizzle of evoo/coconut oil on top and some sprinkled salt, smoked paprika, red chili flakes, etc. To heat up, you may need to add some water if it gets super thick. 


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