The late winter shop update is coming late February/early March. Date will be announced soon!


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Hand to Wheel
Wheel to Table
Hands holding mini hands made of felt with hearts

It’s that time of year again. I’ve been deep in annual Heart in Hand making and it has been filling me up in all the ways. 

I made the first few right after trump was elected- as an F you (and no thanks) to the leaders of our country and their dooming influence of sociopathic bullying and hatred.

The Heart in Hand, a Shaker symbol meaning “hands to work, heart to god” is a talisman that I’ve held very close especially since the birth of my business about 5 years ago, as you’ll see it in my logo. To me (as a spiritual, but not god-believing-religious-human…totally cool if you are btw!), it meant doing hard work through my heart space- the soft, feminine, passionate space. The heart in hand stands for living with my heart and working out of that higher, divine place – with hands full of whatever project or intention I am putting my energy towards (my business name used to be Two Hands Full, for those who have joined me after the switch).

The heart in hand stands for living with my heart and working out of that higher, divine place — with hands full of intention.

This symbol is inside me while I walk the dogs, or while I throw pots, or send emails, or cook, or knit, or…write Instagram captions. Especially now, I find myself craving to redefine my own sense of spirituality. It has been such a long 8+ months. And we have a long ways ahead. It feels rich and warm to revisit this symbol and while making them reflect on the ways its meaning continues to evolves for me and stay so steady in my heart and mind. From what I’ve read, the Shakers would place this symbol above the entry way of homes as a sign all were welcome and that it was a loving, safe home. My family has strong roots in the northeast Americana art world, and so there is a part of this symbol that feels so familiar and honoring of my ancestors who passed down my love for functional craftsmanship (especially that of the Shakers…), as well as my own heritage of sorts. The textures and feels I grew up surrounded by that has travelled down through the generations.

Made you adorn your Christmas tree if you celebrate that way and/or to be a wall hanging that cultivates the heart in hand in your home. Place it above your desk, in the kitchen, dining room, above a bed, doorway, or living room: to set an intention of your own for that space. I’m currently surrounded by them in the studio again as they are slowly put together…and they feel ✨ALIVE✨ and ready to hold space for you and yours!


They will be arriving back in the shop December 6th at 11am PST.


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