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Communal healing comes in many forms…

Turmeric Tonic

serves 2-3

This anti-inflammatory, heartwarming, circulation boosting, immunity kicking, bear hug of nourishment tonic is my go-to. Especially in the winter I drink one most mornings. It is great when having company over as a caffeine-free, healing alternative to coffee.

I cook and prepare food intuitively. The beauty of food and concoctions like this is that you can play with the recipe and make it your own/adjust to fit your taste buds just right. Have fun and listen to what your body is craving! Multiply to serve more people. Sometimes I make a big batch for a few days and put into a glass jar to keep in the fridge. In the morning I give it a good shake and then pour some into a saucepan on the stove and heat it up.

18ish oz. Unsweeteend Nut Milk of choice (I like “unsweetened original” hemp milk or “unsweetened original” coconut milk from the carton aka not canned coconut milk)

1-2 teaspoons of Diaspora Co. heirloom, single-origin turmeric (did you know that most grocery store bought turmeric isn’t loaded with curcumin , the anti-inflammatory properties that turmeric is know/often used for? Diaspora Co. is an incredible queer, woman-of-color owned business voicing the importance of social justice, putting “money, equity, and power into the hands of Indian farmers, and to disrupt, and recolonize an outdated commodity spice trading system”, from their website. BOOM. enjoy 🙂 )

1 heaping tablespoon of grated ginger (I like mine extra spicy)

1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon

A few shakes of nutmeg

pinch of cardamom (also by Diaspora Co.)

A few pinches/grinds of black pepper (pepper actually activates the healing turmeric properties)

A big pinch or two of good quality sea salt

(optional) Glug of Maple Syrup or Honey. Or throw a date in.

1 tablespoon of grass-fed ghee or coconut oil (or both!)

(optional) Adaptogenic powders of choice. (optional). I like Astragalus and Ashwagandha and Lion’s Mane and use about 1 teaspoon of one. Sun Potion is a good source. Do your research though. Every body is different, and those are just what I gravitate towards.

Other optional additions (CBD oil, MCT oil, Collagen Powder, sprinkle some crushed/dried rose petals/lavender blossoms on top if you want to be extra fancy, etc.)

-Heat nut mylk in a saucepan (be careful that it doesn’t boil over).
-Add all other ingredients to a blender
-add nut mylk to the blender
-whizz on low and then high for a minute or two…until deliciously foamy.

Serve in vessels of choice with a shake of cinnamon on top or any other adornments (shown are the Burly Tumblers).

For any excess- put it into a glass jar and keep in the fridge. Shake and then heat it up on the stovetop within a few days. Sometimes I make a batch and drink about 8oz each morning.

Photo: Mary Kalhor @marykalhor
Model: Katie Neuner @queeenkatie and me
Linens: Dana Haim @deehaim
The best chocolate ever: Honey Mama’s @honeymamas
Vessels: 11″ Dinner Plate in Barn Coat, Burly Tumblers in Barn Coat, Things Dish’s in Shadow Pincher in Barn Coat(for a tea light), Creamer in White Sand (as a vase).




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