The late winter shop update is coming late February/early March. Date will be announced soon!


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Ceramic AWD bowl with stone fruit
inspiration  ❊  recipes  ❊  musings  ❊  process
inspiration  ❊  recipes  ❊  musings  ❊  process
❊ No thanks - I'm All Set ❊
Hand to Wheel
Wheel to Table



I am really excited to introduce to you: HOMEWARD!

This (relatively simple) project has been in the works for over a year now and I am so thrilled to put it out into the world!! Good things take time, right!? “Homeward” aims to highlight some folks on here who I am continually inspired by, through a q+a and glimpse into the life of…in “AWD-vessel-form”.

One of the reasons this project took so long to birth was to really get clear on the “WHY”. I felt drawn to this idea, even though I find myself reflecting often on the ways in which this very concept so-often tends to encourage mindless shopping or overconsumption. Through many conversations with friends and trying to dig deeper into this- I kept circling back to my intention of re-centering the narrative around these vessels as the true WHY. The storytelling of them casting a wider net beyond my own 4 walls (and mind). From the beginning, I make it clear that each persons role is not to encourage folks to buy. The timeline is loose, so it isn’t forced. And they don’t need to post on their page about, etc. in turn, I hope you enjoy these conversations and words of wisdom. The name (which was changed last minute), is a word that is one of my very favorite words. Anyone who knows me will probably smirk at that…knowing my nesting/hermit ways well! I Iove this word because it not only it is the act of going home and turning towards home after being somewhere new or unfamiliar- but likewise it invokes the spirit of turning inward, into our hearth. A place, for many, where we recalibrate and can find ease.

All that being said, I am so excited to share and offer something new and exciting in this space. There will be one every few weeks. So far I have a small business consultant, environmental educator, farmer/florist, healer, knitter, and baker/food artist in queue ☺️. The first feature will arrive in about a week! Woo!

Sign up for the newsletter or follow along on instagram to stay tuned for the first in the series!


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